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On Nudges and The Holy Spirit

On Nudges and The Holy Spirit

by Rev. Jen Ryerson on September 25, 2024

On Nudges and The Holy Spirit

As I prepare to gather my thoughts, I cannot help but be overcome by a conversation during our community group gathering this week. I intended to blog about one of my favorite words in scripture: Selah. But the Holy Spirit had something different in mind. I sensed a holy nudge to blog about the conversation that took place around the circle of our community group, so I will save my favorite word for another blog post.

Like those of you in a community group, we began our conversation in the Book of Acts, specifically chapter four. Before I knew it, we were talking about prayer and healing. We shared testimonies of health miracles and experiences of praying for homeless drug addicts in downtown Tulsa. The reality of how a life can be transformed within the bounds of each kingdom post we are assigned, each specific sphere of influence, hit me hard. The conversation was so moving that I am still wrecked by it hours later.

How many people are missing out on a blessing from God because we have ignored the leading of the Holy Spirit? A sobering thought. In My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers said something about this. Chambers highlights what he defines as “Spiritual Muddle” in a devotion titled “Imagination v. Inspiration.” He writes, “If there is something upon which God has put His pressure, obey in that matter.”(1)

Let’s talk about this Godly pressure, this holy nudge. Do you ever wonder how often the invisible yet tangible and very real Holy Spirit draws near to us, nudging us to pay attention to something—or, more importantly, someone? Friends, how often do we fail to quiet ourselves enough to hear His still, small voice? It is easy to shrug off the nudge, isn’t it? We can tell ourselves they are simply passing thoughts, get on with our busy day, and never take action. Admittedly, I am 100% guilty of this.

Consider this thought and let it resonate with you—the God of the universe is inviting you to participate in His redemptive work. Yes, you. The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of the word nudge is as follows: “to touch or push gently;” “to seek the attention of by a push of the elbow;” “to prod lightly: urge into action.” (2) This nudge, this gentle push, has the power to transform not only our lives but also the lives of those we come in contact with. In “Christianese,” we call this a leading or a prompting, but it is clearly “not from us.” The holy nudge is a conduit to get our attention.

Trust me when I say that ignoring the nudge will not make it go away. If the Sovereign Lord has started to pressure you about a certain matter, you better believe He will keep prodding and gently pushing. Although sometimes it’s not gentle, is it? With complete authenticity, there have been times when Holy Spirit has given me a swift kick in the behind about something or someone. Yes, I can be so stubborn that it sometimes requires a kick. In all seriousness, the more we shrug off the nudge and ignore it, the more it becomes an intense spiritual heaviness as time passes. But remember, this nudge is a continuous presence, guiding us and reassuring us. It is truly marvelous that the Creator of the universe lives in you, and He lives in me. Thank you, Sovereign Lord.

Now, how does this holy nudge manifest itself? Let me toss out a few ways I know: a phone call needs to be made, a text message needs to be sent, or a card should be mailed. A person standing or eating alone could use someone to acknowledge they exist. The Holy Spirit is nudging you to stop and pray for someone. You could get a nudge to text someone a song or scripture passage. These simple thoughts can easily be dismissed as random ideas. To be sure, the choice is ours. Will we respond and act on the nudge? God’s business plan gets to be lived out through us when we do. Or will we shrug it off and go about our daily agenda?

It is utterly unfathomable that God sets us apart and calls us to bear witness to His name. The Creator of the universe invites us to co-labor alongside Him (1 Corinthians 3:9). Do you even feel worthy enough? His calling never stops at our salvation, dear brothers and sisters. Listen to me; when you receive Christ, it is just the beginning. We are imperfect and broken earthen vessels, yet God calls us to carry out His will as we roam this earthly dwelling place. Will you pause and ponder this truth?

Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.
Ephesians 1:4-5 (NLT).

Isn’t it a wonderful reality that our life as Christian believers is full of holy nudges? These pokes and prods come with amazing opportunities for us to work in tandem with Christ Jesus. When I asked our community group why we don’t act on the holy nudge, the shared response was, “I guess because I’m afraid.” I received that answer because I have been afraid, too. Afraid I won’t know what to do or say. Afraid of rejection and embarrassment. And yes, I even get nervous that the person will have an odd allergic reaction to my anointing oil. Get behind me, Satan!

My dear co-laborers in the vineyard for such a time as this, be reminded of 1 John 4:13 “By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit” (ESV). I adore the word abide. Besides Selah, it might be my favorite. You should know, I have a fascination for words and the profound impact they have on everything we do. I often find myself lost in wordsmith land, and that’s okay with me.

As Pastor Carness mentioned in his sermon this past Sunday, what would happen if we said “yes?” For starters, get into your private space with the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to heighten your senses to his holy nudge. And then, I strongly encourage you to say “yes” to just one of the Holy Spirit’s nudges this week. How might your week change and how might someone else's life be forever changed? Act on the holy nudge, my friend, and when you do, please tell me about it. I would love to hear all about your yes, Lord!

Soli Deo Gloria ~
Pastor Jen

1)  Chambers, Oswald. “Imagination V. Inspiration.” My Utmost for His Highest, 21 Feb. 2024, utmost.org/classic/imagination-vs-inspiration-classic
2)  “Nudge.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nudge. Accessed 22 Sep. 2024.

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