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Praying for Israel

Praying for Israel

by Rev. Carness Vaughan on October 10, 2023

Praying for Israel

The news accounts of what is happening in Israel are horrific. A Hamas militant group of terrorists attacked Israel five days ago, and the casualties are already in the thousands. According to the AP, Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza are holding more than 150 soldiers and civilians hostage. It is clear that the goal of Hamas is the destruction of Israel. In their charter document, the Hamas Covenant, they state: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” What they call ``Holy War,” most around the world call barbarism and pure evil against another people group. 

In the midst of all the evil and brutality going on, what can we do? May I suggest a few things:

  1. Pray. We are told in Ps. 122 to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” I realize it’s difficult to know exactly what or how to pray in moments like this. For me, the Psalms are always a great place to go when I don’t have the words myself. Psalm 17:6-9, Psalm 27, or Psalm 121 are good places to start. Here’s a prayer I wrote (partially based on a prayer by David Jeremiah) and have been praying over the last few days….you are welcome to join me in it: 

    “Dear Heavenly Father, my heart breaks as I see the news coming out of Israel. I feel helpless as I watch the reports and feel sick when I see the violence and destruction and hate. And so, in this moment when I don’t know what to do, I do all I know to do – I come to you in prayer. I pray that you protect those who are in the midst of the violence. Just as you have done time and time again throughout her history, place your hand of protection over the nation of Israel. You and you alone can set everything right with your righteous hand, and that is our prayer. We know that you brought Israel together as a people for a purpose, and now as they are being attacked, I ask you to keep Israel in your loving care. Put a spiritual hedge of protection around them and their land. Watch over this nation as a Good Shepherd watches over his flock, and may your chosen people find their ultimate safety and security in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
  2. Guard Your Heart: In moments like these, it is so easy to go from righteous indignation and anger into hatred. One is an appropriate response to evil; the other is not. Where I want retribution and revenge, the Lord wants restoration. When my heart slips into hatred for another person or people group, even in the midst of great evil, my heart gets calloused and I can no longer see others in the way Christ sees them. There’s a reason Solomon tells us to “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life” (Prov. 4:23). Do all you can to not allow sin to enter into an unguarded heart and corrupt your soul with hatred.
  3. Act: One of my favorite chapters in all the Bible is Romans 12, full of wonderful (and difficult!) admonitions for us as disciples of Jesus Christ. Paul concludes the chapter with these words: “Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.” What good can we do in these days to conquer evil? Well, we can reach out to our Jewish friends, neighbors, and co-workers, checking in on them and praying for them and letting them know we care. We can give financial assistance through agencies helping survivors and their families. I’m certain that in the weeks and months to come, there will be real and tangible opportunities placed before us right here in NWA, maybe through Temple Shalom here in Fayetteville or Chabad of Northwest Arkansas. Let’s keep our eyes and ears and hearts open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and act when called upon, for the good of our Israeli brothers and sisters and the Kingdom of God. Remember, one of our Core Values here at Christ Church is to Live a Life of Servanthood, and acting on behalf of those in need, whether they be next door or around the world, is what we are to be about and who we are to be as servants of Christ.

So, I invite you to join me in doing these three things in the days and weeks to come – pray for the peace of Jerusalem, guard your hearts, and act on behalf of God’s people in need. Come Holy Spirit, Come!

Tags: faith, conflict, israel, carness, pray for israel, terrorism, hamas

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