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Something Great

Something Great

by Rev. Carness Vaughan on May 30, 2024

Something Great

In preparation for last week’s sermon on “Remembering,” I asked a number of people in our congregation to send me their testimonies regarding the journey we’ve been on at Christ Church over the last year (if you missed it, you can watch it here).  I got lots of great email responses and shared some of them on Sunday – I hope they inspired you as much as they did me.

I also got an amazing poem from a couple that beautifully describes the Christ Church story from their perspective. It’s too powerful to just stay in my in-box; they have given me permission to share it with all of you. They titled it, “Something Great Has Happened Here.” Enjoy and be blessed!

Remember this precious stone,
Inscribe on it one word: Prayer.
A foundation for Christ Church,
That’s how we came here from there.

We were new to Fayetteville,
Our church with COVID declined,
Christ-Centered leaders in transition,
We prayed for them…The staff and families combined.

Through meetings upon meetings,
These leaders did not waver,
Speaking the truth sincerely,
Seeking solely His favor.

No doubt there were sleepless nights,
Disappointment, stress occurred.
Tears, fear, promises broken,
And all the while…Our leaders clung to the Word!

As Abraham expressed…“If you go to the left, Then I will go to the right, If you go to the right, Then I will go to the left.” (Gen 13:9)
Christ Church…Chose the harder, unpaved path:
“Let each of us go a different way.”
Much like Abraham before,
“Let’s not allow this conflict to come between us…” we prayed! 

You all left behind
Far more than either of us.
Your example was evident:
Prayerful, kind, and just. 

It’s prayer that propelled us,
The Holy Spirit guided.
As we tabernacled,
Our steps the Lord decided. 

Prayer going before us,
A pillar of fire by night,
A pillar of cloud by day;
These now hover over this site.

Something great has happened here, and it is solely based on the Word!


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