11 Days of Service

11 Days of Service

Saturday, September 28, 2024, 6:00 PM - Sunday, November 03, 2024, 6:00 PM

11 Days of Service

Register for projects here
Christ’s heart is clearly seen when we are reaching beyond ourselves and serving others. It’s why, at Christ Church, one of our core values is to “Live a Life of Servanthood,” so that all might come to know the love of Christ through our love for others. During the months September through November, Christ Church has designated 11 Days of Service, where Community Groups, families, and individuals are invited to serve in our community by signing up for one of the projects below. Or, you may want to choose and organize a different outreach – something your group cares deeply about. If you have any questions or need more information about one of the projects listed below please contact Kristen at .

Service Opportunities:

Washington Plaza Neighborhood Party
Saturday, September 28 | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. | Washington Plaza Apartments

Description – Christ Church will throw a huge party for the Washington Plaza Community, including food, games, crafts, face painting and lots of laughs and fun.
Number Needed:


Genesis Church Food, Coat and Blanket Drive
Sunday, October 6 | 
9:15 a.m. & 11 a.m. | Christ Church
Description - Help support Genesis Church by bringing an item for their food pantry.  Items needed: Saltine Crackers, healthy snacks canned meats, poptop meals (i.e. Ravioli, SpaghettiO's) peanut butter, Ramen Noodles, dog & cat food, toilet paper. You can also shop from their Amazon Gift Register. Just tap here.
Send merchandise to the attention of Suzanne Bridges.

We are also collecting Coats and Blankets during October as we look to colder weather ahead.

Intersection NWA @ Genesis Church
Thursday, October 10 | 6  – 8 p.m. | Genesis Church
Local non-profit that serves a weekly, healthy meal at Genesis Church in South Fayetteville.
Description – Meet at Genesis, help prepare and cook a meal, and get to know people in our community.
Number Needed: 10

Men’s Pathway to Freedom Prison Ministry
Friday, October 11 | 6:45 a.m. – 7 p.m. | Wrightsville 
Leaving from Christ Church   
Description -
A group of men from Christ Church will join men from other churches to minister to inmates in the state prison in Wrightsville, AR, by providing encouragement, worship and small groups. 
Number Needed: Unlimited –  (Background Check required)  

LifeStyles, Inc.
Saturday, October 12 | 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Description - 
Team will mulch flower beds and do some landscaping. After, the team will eat lunch and play board games and bingo with the residents of LifeStyles.


Intersection NWA @ Genesis Church
Thursday, October 17 | 6 - 8 p.m. | Genesis Church
Local non-profit that serves a weekly, healthy meal at Genesis Church in South Fayetteville. 
Description: Meet at Genesis, help prepare and cook a meal, and get to know people in our community.
Number Needed:

Cancer Support Home
Saturday, October 19 | 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | 488 E. Longview St., Fayetteville
Description –
Volunteers will meet at the Cancer Support Home and help with landscaping and other items to beautify this place of healing and hope. 
Number Needed: 20


Asbell Elementary Parent/Teacher Conf: Dinner for Teachers 
Thursday, October 24 | 5 - 5:30 p.m. 
Description – Volunteers will assist by providing dinner for teachers during the Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Number Needed: 10 - 12


Asbell Elementary Parent/Teacher Conf: Breakfast for Teachers
Friday, October 25 | 7:30 - 8 a.m.  
Description –
Volunteers will assist by providing dinner for teachers during the Parent/Teacher Conferences. Number Needed: 10 - 12


“Trunk or Treat” for Asbell Elementary
Tuesday, October 29 | 6 - 7:30 p.m. 
Description –
We are inviting Community Groups, families and individuals to decorate their cars and pass out candy at Asbell, getting to know some of the great families and children at the school. 
Donate a costume! On Sunday October 27, there will be a collection bin at the church for donated costumes. These costumes will be available for Asbell children to pick up during the trunk or treat. 


Genesis Food Collection
Sunday, November 3 | 9:15 and 11 a.m.     
Help support Genesis Church by bringing an item for their food pantry.  Items needed: Saltine Crackers, healthy snacks canned meats, poptop meals (i.e. Ravioli, SpaghettiO's) peanut butter, Ramen Noodles, dog & cat food, toilet paper. You can also shop from their Amazon Gift Register. Just tap here.
Send merchandise to the attention of Suzanne Bridges.                                                 





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