Sunday, February 23, 2025, 8:00 AM - 8:05 AM
June 21 - 29
Register here
Deposit: $200
Total cost: $2,600 (covers airfare, housing, food, transportation, and ministry supplies)
Christ Church and Genesis Church are gearing up for an amazing outreach to the Amazon River June 21 - 29, 2025. Join us as we conduct a medical clinic and share the Good News of Jesus. We will be working with our partners, Jaime and Lori Useche (Amazon Ministries International), and are praying for a team of 20 people who are open to Christ and ready to serve. Space is limited. No medical experience is necessary. Consider how God might be leading you to share Christ in this way! Questions: Contact Greg Gibson ( ). Deadline to register is Sunday, February 23.