Cost $50 per childRegister hereChildren grades 4 - 6 are invited for a weekend of fun, learning, and fellowship. God's blueprint retreat is a weekend designed to teach children...
Help support Genesis Church by bringing an item for their food pantry. Items needed: Saltine Crackers, healthy snacks canned meats, poptop meals (i.e. Ravioli...
February 02, 2025
Genesis Food, Coat & Blanket Drive
Register HereYou won't want to miss our annual winter retreat. Spend time with your small group participating in an outreach project, making memories and growing deeper in your...
February 07, 2025
Youth Winter Retreat
June 21 - 29Register hereDeposit: $200Total cost: $2,600 (covers airfare, housing, food, transportation, and ministry supplies) Christ Church and Genesis Church are gearing up...